Thursday, April 20, 2017

SWOT Analysis Sample for a Banking Sector

                                                 SWOT Analysis Sample for a Banking Sector


              5. Analysis of strengths and weaknesses (please see below)



1)     Identification with and focus on target market.
·      Name (Group synergies).
·      Locations.
·      Culture.
·      Language.
·      Reputation.
·    Presence in four countries together with an offshore affiliate.
·      Liquidity and strong capital base.
·      Strong control culture.
·      Cost-conscious.
·      Robust systems to combat financial crime.
·      Approach to business development*.
1)     Identification with and focus on target market.
·      Need to improve quality of customer care.
·      Need to personalise services.
·      Dependence on branches.
·      Modest product range.
·      Limited community interface.
·      Limited training.
·      High unit production costs.
·      Low productivity/efficiency..



1)     Market/Products.
·       Improved market penetration.
·      Cross-selling.
·      Improved delivery channels
·      Community under-banked.
·      Private banking.
1)     Group Synergy.
·      Co-ordination of objectives.
·      Expansion of international business.
2)     Market/Products.
·      Concentration of business.
·      Dependence on modest product range.
·      High-risk niche sector.
·      Exposed to re-invigorated competitors.
·      Regulatory non-adherence.
·      Financial crises.


The Bank has made some progress over the last two years in addressing these issues not least in the better use of its capital base which was hitherto seen as a weakness. In addition ABCD will expand further its product base by issuing in early 2000 a debit card to augment the expanded Internet service provided already. Towards the end of this year (2001) there has been an increased focus on obtaining customer information to augment our “Treating Customer Fairly” data and a renewed emphasise on customer service training.  It is planned to further segment the Bank’s customer base in order to improve the “personalisation” and cross-selling of services although some good progress has been made already in this area. Nevertheless more work needs to be carried out to minimise the Bank’s weaknesses and make better use of the opportunities which exist.

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