Thursday, April 20, 2017

Strategic Review Sample for a Banking Sector

Strategic Review Sample for a Banking Sector


The Bank is part of the ..... Banking Group established over 100 years ago with Group headquarters in ..........  The Bank was established in 1928 and now has eleven branches in ..., ..., ... etc and ... Branch (which is situated in the Head Office building near ....). The Bank has over 500.000 customers using some 15.000 accounts served by 500 full and part-time staff.
The Group has maintained a strategy of conservative lending, realistic interest margins, sound operational procedures and firm cost controls. This will continue. Although ....... will be  the only ............ bank offering a full community banking service. in the ........, the Plan recognises the competition from and the highly focused approach of, the ........ clearing banks in targeting good quality business opportunities within the ethnic communities including the Bank’s chosen market sector. 
In harmony with the Group strategy of encouraging autonomy in the Group operating companies, as well as intra-group synergy, the Bank continues to focus on serving the needs of the ....Spanish.. speaking communities, particularly in ....., as well as the ...Brazil.. needs of the customers of its Group companies from USA and Chile and vice versa. In addition, it has in the past reached out to the wider ..Brazil.. public through its deposit products by offering competitive interest rates. Whilst this policy is under review at the time of writing, the issue of the products will be assessed when appropriate, in conjunction with the Board and the Regulator.

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