Friday, April 21, 2017

Green / Sustainability of Automotive Sector (Contemporary Issue in Management Assigment) - Full


NOTE: My assigment when i was at the university. Enjoy it :)

This sector is huge, producing 52 million cars and light vans a year. The automotive sector is nearly the most competitive industry in the world. Therefore, experts gave a name to the automotive sector ‘industry of industries’.

In 2003, over 1.65 million cars and 189,000 commercial vehicles were produced in the UK alone; this industry is governed by legislation with regards to safety standards, registration information, design requirements, technical information and environmental regulations.  There are also many pressures that directly affect the automotive industry that drive change. 

Firstly, the climate change levy has had a massive impact to the industry, as the transport sector accounted for 24% of UK greenhouse gas emissions in 2002 ( 

The climate change levy was introduced in April 2001 as a taxation of the business use of energy as part of the UK’s Climate Change Programmes, the automotive industry is said to fully recognise the importance of improving climate change and is committed to the continual enhancement of its products to help move towards this factor (

This industry is taking the impact of emissions very seriously and the Government welcomes this action, they also stress that much more has to be done in the move towards a low carbon economy. 

In 1998, European, Japanese and Korean vehicle manufactures entered into a unique and groundbreaking voluntary agreement with the European Commission to reduce CO2 emissions from new passenger cars by 25% from 1995 levels by 2008.  This agreement is expected to contribute to 15% of the total reduction in CO2 emissions agreed by the EU under the Kyoto Agreement.

It is stated by the Environment Agency that around 2million vehicles reach the end of their life each year in the UK alone.  Currently around 74-80% if the vehicle is currently re-used or recycled. 

All these issues will have to be funded by the companies themselves, therefore creating a huge increase in costs.  A driver of change is therefore created in terms of the recyclability of the car, the more recyclable the car is the less costs incurred to the company involved.  The start up costs involved in this project are immense, again these costs have to be fronted by the companies involved.


Growth and development strategy of the Toyota which has 50 factories in 27 countries worldwide, vehicles sold in 170 countries is in the direction of development of environmental technologies and improving vehicle safety.

Decreasing of reducing CO2 emissions and the maximum developing the technology of individual’s security is the part of Toyota’s mission. Moreover, the majority of CO2 emissions are caused by automotive and Toyota is aimed at creating awareness on this issue by producing technologies to reduce CO2 levels.

Toyota's environmentally friendly productions

Toyota is the brand which has reached zero waste with manufacturing facilities located in Europe and made the first high volume mass production with eight certified in accordance with ISO 140 001 production plants.

Toyota is produced by using 'Carbon-Neutral' in-cab equipment 'Carbon-Neutral' equipment is made from plants. Plants are absorbed CO2 from the air during the growth and are also prevented to give CO2 back to the atmosphere by converting the type. For this reason, the target and goals of Toyota to protect the nature to produce the vehicles by using recycled materials.

Toyota allocates vast resources for alternative fuel technologies research and development. Toyota’s objectives are dropping of CO2 emissions level, increasing air quality, providing continuous new alternative energy sources sustainability. In addition, as a result of the investigations, alternative fuels can not be found instead of gasoline and diesel yet.

Some important information about environmentally friendly vehicles and hybrid technology of Toyota:

·      Toyota develops technologies that reduce fuel consumption

 Toyota has worked in the direction of increasing transmission and engine efficiency of cars. Models in the Toyota product line is equipped by new technologies which reduce fuel consumption according to the previous version. For example, new Yaris has 4.5 percent less CO2 emissions range than the previous model.

Toyota D-Cat either has low CO2 emissions with the principle of clean diesel or has the distinction of being the only diesel engine which blocks the formation of NOX and PM in the European market.

·      Bio-ethanol production areas not enough

Last decades, researches on bio-ethanol in the world showed this type of fuel not have sufficient productive resources. As there is no enough production area for sugar cane and corn obtained from bio-ethanol, nutrition chain can be affected in the world. This issue and alternative production activities are being investigated by Toyota.

·      The most successful technologies for a green world: Toyota Hybrid Technology

Toyota Hybrid Technology celebrates the 13th year in 2010. It is certain that the most successful technology which developed for a green world reduces CO2 emissions level and reduces consumption operating in compliance with alternative fuel types like Hydrogen, bio and electricity.

·      Toyota are giving the green driving training

As producing the technology of automobiles, the use of automobiles is also very important. Drivers also pay attention that occurring environmental effects depend on their car use is required. Therefore, Toyota offers educational information to improve environmentalists driving experience to individuals.

In addition, Toyota Europe received certificates from 3C Company about no harmful to environment and air by Toyota in 2007.

Carbon-neutral activity is created by Wind Power Plant located 10 km east of Bandirma for the framework of an agreement Toyota Motor Europe. Plant provide eco-friendly of realization of the events by providing the absorption of CO2 in the air as same as opening up the CO2 emissions and produced power.

What is carbon-neutral?

All of the support work which activities to be avoided increasing of emission of carbon gases into the atmosphere from production stage up to the stage of consumption and measures to be taken by companies or countries.


Environmental Influences in the Automotive Industry

Especially in the Western countries that are prosperous and educated, there is increasingly interest by the society in environmental responsibilities. The entrepreneurs who are able to cultivate this trend and create organisations based on environmental awareness are considered innovators. They challenge conventions and create new arrangements of people and resources. Some companies also shifts to more environmental friendly solution to their products. These companies, that are also called green differentiates, are those who take advantage green marketing as their sales parameter. Toyota is one of them in which they promote their cars to contain low dangerous exhaust fumes that are safer to communities.

Some rivals works about Green Issue:

There are many stakeholders in the car industry.  This range from the individual manufacturers, to their employees, green pressure groups, customers, suppliers and every other person on the planet.  It is widely recognised that the automotive industry is a huge contributor to global emissions and pollution and damage to the environment has consequences for not only every human on the planet, but also every living animal.  It is wrong to assume that all stakeholders in a business are assumed as equal, some will be affected more than others by organisations decisions.


Toyota are seen to be acting from the philanthropic level, however Mercedes Benz are more complex.  Their family sized cars are not going above and beyond what is required by law, but the Smart car is being produced to be economical and as green as possible.  As a result Mercedes can be deemed to be motivated by both legal factors, in the case of their family models, and by ethical factors in the production of the Smart car since it is much more economical. The image of a Mercedes is a fast, powerful, expensive car and this is a hard image to convey while going green so the brand image has backed Mercedes Benz into a corner. (Source: ) 

·      BMW

BMW are currently developing alternate fuel cars that, the company claims, release zero emissions.  This sounds like a fantastic breakthrough however, what BMW is not telling the public is that the emission this car was tested for was Carbon Monoxide not CO2. This could lead to uninformed consumers purchasing a car that they believe is not harmful to the environment on the basis of false claims. (Source:

·      FORD

Ford implemented green strategies later than other car manufacturers, the Kyoto Protocol only wanted a drop in emissions of 5% by 2012, and Ford’s targets are much greater than this but they are new. (source: 

·      TOYOTA

Toyota is aiming to satisfy as many stakeholders as possible.  Customers are kept satisfied as the demand for the products they want is filled, shareholders are happy as huge profits are being made, predicted to be £3.8billion in the financial year 2008 – 2009, (source: and the environmentalists are happy since Toyota are leading the pack in development of environmentally friendly motoring solutions.  However, Toyota, as well as all the manufacturers covered in this report, are still developing and selling big trucks and 4x4 vehicles that are highly inefficient, Toyota’s insistence on selling big, inefficient trucks is a big departure away from their claims of eco-friendliness. 

This leads to environmental pressure groups being unhappy, since they feel that Toyota are being hypocritical and using their Prius model as a smokescreen to shield the more polluting vehicles in their range from criticism. To satisfy the wants of these stakeholders, Toyota claims to be aiming to produce a “next generation electric vehicle as early as 2010” while “accelerating the development of hybrid, plug in hybrid and all electric vehicles.”

Political and Legal influences in the motor industry

The Cleaner Vehicles Task Force was set up by the UK Government in November 1997 to bring together Government and others with an awareness of more sustainable vehicles, encouraging them to buy and use vehicles which are;

Less polluting
Less resource intensive

Economic Influences in the Automotive Industry

Within the automotive industry there is an increased demand for more fuel efficient vehicles, are mentioned earlier.  Clearly this has created a pressure for change within the industry, there are also been other pressures that have impacted upon the car industry yet there may be little they can change to increase the demand, for example the number of people using public transport and walking has increased in recent years, the graph below highlights this fact.

                                                        (Taken from

Social Drivers in the Automotive Industry

The motor industry has become significant contributor to deteriorated air quality, climate change, human health effects, noise, congestion, accident deaths and injuries. The industry has responded to this by producing cleaner, safer and more recyclable vehicles.  Environmental legislation affects both the design and performance of motor vehicles and the ways in which motor vehicles are manufactured, for example:

The availability of hybrid vehicles has risen rapidly with Toyota leading the way, and the rest of the industry working to compete.

Technological Influences in the Automotive Industry

The technology needed for green change is know as Hybrid technology, this saves fuel by storing energy and adjusting intelligently to each situation. A high-performance battery stores energy that is ordinarily wasted while driving or stopping, and then applies the stored energy when starting and to supplement engine power when accelerating. Since the system recharges itself, it never needs plugging in.  The market leaders for this are Toyota, but many other companies are following suit.  There are many benefits for hybrid technology, some of which include tax credits, savings in lifetime service costs, no need for recharging of battery and better performance.

Ethical Influences in the Automotive Industry

The car industry is keen to ensure that there is commitment to the use of targets, monitoring and auditing and to public reporting.  This is done with regards to such things as CO2 emissions etc and the continuous effort to reduce them.  The responsibility for the policy also lies at board or developmental level.  The car industry also accepts that there are globally applicable corporate standards.  Once again these include reducing CO2 emissions and safety laws concerning such issues as air bags.


The major players in the automotive industry have recognised that they are part of the problem.  Some manufacturers have responded better than others to combating the damage that is being caused to the environment and in creating a solution.  Even though a lot of the companies covered in this report are looking at reducing the emissions of their vehicles and making them friendlier to the environment, none of these companies are doing as much as they can.  Toyota are the most forward thinking company when it comes to reducing the emissions of their vehicles, but even they are not doing enough to combat the problem.  Even though Toyota has hybrid technology, it is still producing huge, petrol trucks that are highly polluting.  The hybrid technology that has been developed is suitable for use in these trucks but so far it has not been implemented.  BMW and Ford are attempting to solve the problem, but they are not doing enough.


In the April 20, the world was changed once again. However, this time, it was not a kind of discovery of technology or an agreement between countries. We will remember this date by beginning of the end of world because the guests of the world tried to kill the life in the world again and again.

British Petroleum ( BP ) is one of the biggest oil and petrochemical company in the world. It has international operations in over 70 countries with 233billion revenues, and 103700 employees. Currently BP owns five recognized brands world wide which include BP, am/pm, ARCO, Aral and Castrol. Nevertheless, one day, happened an explosion BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil platforms distance 40 miles to the coast of the U.S. and fire then spilled oil trough the mouth of the Mississippi River.

At the first time, BP declared to control it quickly but environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico oil platform revealed much greater damage than what appears on the sea.  Length of 16 km, a 5 km wide and 91 m thick layer of oil was found under the sea.  According to experts, it has many layers at the bottom of the ocean. It proves that how big natural disaster it is to can not stop oil flowing to the sea during the months. Experts say that the only way to prevent a leak to be sure to blockage the well completely.

Ecological system has crashed

Experts say that one day layer of oil to be cleaned, although refreshing the ecological system will take longer.

Obviously, time showed us lots of truths. No need to become expert to know this disaster, just looking 20 years ago to the Gulf War in 1990 in Kuwait. It was very huge oil spilling and nature life still feels its pain.

Cost of disaster,18 billion dollars

Calculated the first cost is 18 billion dollars. Nevertheless, if the oil spilling further spread to reach the gulf coasts of other countries, the cost of environmental re-draw will be astronomical proportions.

The work of natural cover can be launched after the closure of cracks in the well.

Investing in nature

Regardless of what the cost of the old view of nature to be brought into the economic sense is always a profitable investment.

For example, 3.5 million Euros has been spent for the reforestation of a former mining basin in South Africa. Moreover, one million Euros is spent for care of region each year. However, a year after the project, all expenses are refunded by increasing in ground water, reduction of deposition in river and the greening result of the reduction of emissions.

Conversely, it is not certain to be same success as South Africa in the ecological and economic areas at the Gulf of Mexico. It is impossible to image what will its costs. Adverse effects on organisms already began to be seen. Damage to fisheries and tourism industries will find the billions of dollars.

Disaster bill to the employees

The first solution of the  problem is accused to the employees for the disaster by BP. British Petrol which lost it’s prestige at the international platform and lost over half the value of shares, find the responsible of crisis ‘ engineers ‘.

Basically, it is amazed to get permit the no guarantee security seabed oil extraction activities. BP never gave the answer of this question how it could be easy to get permit for offshore oil operations.

BP always needs to have man from high office because they had a questionable reputation from a security perspective. BP has managed to be close bureaucrats and politicians in Washington all the time, while it also reflected a positive image to the public skilfully.

The company had changed its name from British Petroleum to BP to use this brand in all over the world easily. In addition, provided a greener image with a new logo which has green and yellow colours, and "Beyond Petroleum" slogan were designed to seems environmentally company but they did everything harmful to the nature or not at the background.

BP officials also took part in the states from time to time. As Leon Panetta (former White House Secretary General, now CIA director), Tom Daschle (former Senate majority leader) and Christine Todd Whitman (former Chairman of the Environmental Protection Agency) senior government officials when leaving the government, started to work in high-salaried advisory board of BP. For example, an inspector checks the oil platforms that had a job interview with the owner of the company.

Lake Charles district office manager in Los Angeles of Mineral Management Corporation (FMC) of Interior Department of the U.S said that “Consequently, we are all from oil industry. We are at the same region of the country. Almost all of our inspectors worked on this platforms as employees of oil companies ...They go on the hunt and fishing together…And is always like that” in a prepared report by Larry Williamson General Inspectorate Department.

But this time, BP had to shake hands for damages to pay 20 billion dollars penalties with Obama’s government. This agreement is understood that BP tries to cover its failure by money. Due to the failure at the Gulf Mexico, BP was forced to retreat the projects planned in the North Sea for a long time. So BP paid a record fine. Moreover, that's not enough to save its reputation.

Meanwhile, BP’s some stations in the United States made discounts 8 to 10 cents per gallon in gasoline prices to keep the customers’ interests or we can say forced promotion.

Barack Obama Administration, the U.S. Congress, the Interior Ministry and the federal officials load the responsibility to BP largely. However, they didn’t improve inadequate monitoring mechanisms and they took part in healing the deep problems to close ears and eyes for suggestions and solutions from governments, experts and citizens.

The share of the American Congress can not be denied for Cross-shore (Offshore) oil operations. Members of congress prefer to believe the company reports for more than ten years that no danger energy activities. Congress has a positive approach always attempts to open the oil wells, but has avoided discussing the necessary inspection and supervision principles. In addition, between 2002-2008 they approved the reduction of oil controllers in the various budget decisions. George W. National Energy Policy issued in 2001 under the Bush Administration to increase their oil resources and efforts in this cause, "more and unnecessary" removal of control mechanisms have contributed to today's problems.

Alternative energy

There are lots of lessons removed from the disaster. In place of short term protests, could contribute to the reduction of oil consumption should be directed to the action.

Is it possible to fetch into early date to transfer the alternative energy instead of oil?

Of course, yes. On the other hand, oil reserves in the world seem to enough less than 40-50 years. Even the big oil companies are investing in renewable energy instead of oil. The Gulf of Mexico platforms will be dismantled and a new one will not build more by BP. They were thought to change after 100-150 years. But new energy will be locomotive of these companies in 40-50 years anymore.

This accident will accelerate the changing in the energy

Toyota’s the biggest problem in 2010 was braking system complaints at environmental hybrid technology cars. The market lieder of Hybrid technology, Toyota recalled almost 400.000 cars from all over the world. The best selling Pirus model was in these recall environmental cars. Some of the broken models of Toyota like these: Prius, Prius hybrid, Sai ve HS250h

The total numbers of these cars were around 8.5 million. The economic cost of this problem was close to 2 billion dollars. Consequently, Toyota lost not only huge amount of money but also they lost their reliability. For this reason, they lost serious prestige in this segment. It seems that Toyota which always gives priority on quality and zero errors principles will take too many times to get its prestige and reliability.

Moreover, green – environmental car technology of Toyota can affect this problem seriously. They will feel deep impact of this many years. Especially, The Pirus model of Toyota was the first generation of environmental car technology and people loved this model till 2010. However, it is not certain what will happen after 2010. We can not say anything before to see the new steps of Toyota to get trust in people.

In addition, other car manufacturers get a change to pass the Toyota with this braking system crash in the green issue segment.

Finally, Toyota has to work harder than the past to get people trust again. They always work with the principles ‘zero error – best quality’ till now. If they really want to catch success as the first of new environmental – green hybrid technology, they need to invent better and more comfortable cars again.


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