Sunday, March 25, 2018

Useful Phrases

·       Right, everyone has arrived now, so let’s get started.
·       If we are all here, let’s start the meeting.
·       Now that everyone is here, shall we begin?
·       Shall we get down to business?
·       Well, since everyone is here, we should get started.
·       Okay, we have a lot to cover today, so we really should get started.
·       Hello everyone. Thank you for coming today.
·       Okay, let’s begin. Firstly, I’d like to welcome you all.
·       Thank you all for coming at such short notice.
·       I really appreciate your attendance to this meeting.
·       For those of you who don’t know me yet, I am …
·       Please join me in welcoming …
·       I’d like to extend a warm welcome to …
·       We are pleased to welcome …
·       Firstly, I’d like to introduce …
·       For anyone who hasn’t met our new … yet, this is …
·       It’s a pleasure for me to welcome …
·       I’d like to take a moment to introduce …
·       I know most of you, but there are a few unfamiliar faces. I am …
·       (Name) has kindly agreed to take the minutes today.
·       (Name) will be presenting the …
·       (Name) has kindly agreed to give us a report on …
·       (Name), would you mind taking notes / taking the minutes today please?
·       (Name) will lead (topic) from the agenda.
·       (Name), would you like to kick off with …?
·       Unfortunately, Margaret cannot join us today. She was called away on urgent business.
·       Mark will be taking the minutes today, as Sarah is at home with a fever.
·       I have received apologies for absence from …
·       If you notice anyone missing, please let Mark know so he can make a note of it.
·       We are here today to talk about …
·       We are here to discuss …
·       Our main aim today is to …
·       I’ve called this meeting today in order to …
·       As you can see here on the agenda …
·       Firstly, we’ll be talking about …
·       First of all, we’ll discuss …
·       After that, we’ll be looking at …
·       Followed by …
·       If time allows, we will also cover …
·       Then, I’ll be handing it over to … for …
·       Secondly, we’ll look at …
·       Next, I’ll ask you for (feedback, comments, your opinion, your views, suggestions, ideas) on …
·       And finally, we’ll discuss …
·       That’s a valid point but we will discuss that in more detail at a later date.
·       Okay, let’s talk more about that later on.
·       I’m afraid we’ll have to come back to this later.
·       We’re running short on time, so let’s move on to the next topic.
·       We’re running behind now, so let’s skip to the next point on the agenda.
·       I’m afraid we only have 10 minutes left, so let’s move on to….
·       We’ve spent too long on this issue now, let’s discuss it in more detail after this meeting.
·       I think we’ll have to leave that there for now and move on to….
·       We’re pushed for time, so let’s discuss….
·       Let’s try to stay on topic, that can be discussed another time.
·       You can discuss that amongst yourselves after the meeting.
·       This matter is not on today’s agenda, let’s leave it for next time.
·       Let’s save this for another meeting.
·       Getting back to the task at hand….
·       I couldn’t agree with you more (I agree)
·       I completely agree with …
·       Could I just say one thing please?
·       If I could just come in here …
·       I would just like to add …
·       May I come in here please?
·       Sorry, could you speak up a little please? I can’t hear you at the back.
·       If I could have a chance to speak for a moment please.
·       I’m glad you brought that up. I’d like to add …
·       I’m afraid I’d have to disagree with you on that.
·       I would just like to say that …
·       Excuse me for interrupting …
·       I really feel that …
·       The way I see things …
·       In my opinion …
·       (Name), could you please tell us how … is progressing?
·       (Name), how is the … coming along?
·       Next, (name) will talk us through …
·       (Name, have you managed to complete the …?
·       (Name), when can we expect to hear about …?
·       Has everyone received a copy of …?
·       (Name), can we have your input on … please?
·       How do you feel about …?
·       Are you positive that …?
·       What do you think about …
·       What are your views on …?
·       Now, I’d like to hand over to (name), who will talk about …
·       This brings us to the next topic on the agenda, which will be introduced by (name).
·       Why don’t we move on to …
·       If no one has anything else to add, let’s move on to …
(When you don’t understand something)
·       I don’t quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?
·       I don’t see what you mean. Could you elaborate please?
·       I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at.
·       Could you please explain to me how that is going to work?
·       Do you mean that …?
·       So what you’re saying is that … (repeat what they said to get confirmation)
·       You did say … didn’t you?
·       Could you spell that please?
·       Would you mind spelling that for me please?
·       (repeat what they said in your own words) … is that what you mean?
·       Is it true that …?
·       Correct me if I’m wrong please, you’re saying … (reiterate what they said)
(Ending the meeting)
·       Is there any other business?
·       Does anyone have any other business?
·       Any other business?
·       Would anyone like to make any final points?
·       If there are no further points, I’d like to bring the meeting to a close.
·       Before we close the meeting, I’d like to briefly summarise the main points …
·       Let me quickly go over today’s main points.
·       To sum up …
·       Right, why don’t we summarise what we’ve agreed on today.
·       Shall I go over the main points before we adjourn?
·       I guess that will be all for today, thank you for taking part.
·       I think we should finish here.
·       We seem to have been very efficient today, so let’s wrap up early.
·       We have covered everything on the agenda, so let’s end it here.
·       If there is nothing else to add, I’d like to adjourn the meeting.
·       If there are no other comments, I’d like to wrap this meeting up.
·       It looks like we’ve finished ahead of schedule, so let’s finish up here.
·       I’m afraid we’re going to have to cut this meeting short. I’ve just been informed of an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with immediately.
·       I’m afraid we’ll have to end this meeting here. Let’s rearrange and continue this discussion another time.
·       Thank you all for your input today.
·       Thank you for your participation.
·       Let’s end this here, shall we? I’m sure you all have other important work to get back to.
·       Before you leave, please remember to sign the attendance sheet
·       I almost forgot to mention….
·       I’d like to thank (name) for …
·       Sorry, could I please have your attention for one more moment. I forgot to say…
·       Before we go, let’s put our hands together for (clap or say congratulations)….
·       Most of you probably know this already, but I’d like to formally congratulate….
·       Please don’t forget to hand in your votes by the end of the week.
·       I look forward to receiving emails from you all about your final vote.
·       The minutes of the meeting will be sent to you all by (person’s name and/or time/date) …
·       If anyone has any further questions, or would like to give any feedback privately, then please feel free to email me.

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