Sunday, March 25, 2018

Useful Expressions

Informal  Thanks for emailing me on 15th February
Formal  Thank you for your email dated 15th February
Informal  Sorry, I can’t make it.
Formal  I am afraid I will not be able to attend
Informal  Can you…?
Formal  I was wondering if you could….?
Direct  I need this in half an hour.
Indirect and polite  Would it be possible to have this in half an hour?
Direct  There will be a delay
Indirect  I’m afraid there may be a slight delay.
Direct  It’s a bad idea
Indirect  To be honest, I’m not sure if that would be a good idea.

·       Pleased to meet you 

Formal and Informal:
·       1) It’s very nice to meet you
·       2) Nice to meet you too 

·       1) It’s a pleasure to meet you
·       2) Pleasure to meet you too

·       1) Lovely to meet you
·       2) Likewise

·       1) Glad to meet you
·       2) Glad to meet you too 

Formal and Informal:
·       1) How wonderful to meet you
·       2) Likewise

Formal and Informal:
·       1) It was nice meeting you
·       2) Nice meeting you too

·       1) It was lovely meeting you
·       2) You too

·       1) It was nice to have met you
·       2) You too

·       1) It’s been a pleasure meeting you
·       2) The pleasure is mine

·       1) I’ve enjoyed meeting you
·       2) You too

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