Monday, March 26, 2018

Contract Letters on corporate

September 14, 20xx

Vincent Carvillo
Vice President
Contrext Construction Ltd.
HSBR Towers, Suite A-1520
18 Canada Square
London E14 5HQ

Dear Mr. Carvillo:

This is further to Veronica Brabham’s letter to you dated August 20, 20xx which requested that you supply us with additional information on Contrext Construction’s accounting system and related methodologies.

Efforts to-date to obtain the requested information have been unsuccessful. Therefore, you are hereby notified that you must submit the information mentioned above directly to this office by September 30, 20xx. Please be further advised that no more requests for time extensions will be considered.

As you are aware, this office is making a concerted effort to bring this matter to a close. For that to happen it is important that you submit the supporting documentation requested in Ms. Brabham’s August 20th letter. Upon receipt of that information, our Director, Contracts Accounting will immediately review it, after which this office will notify you of the findings. If you do not respond by the above-noted deadline, this office will be forced to proceed with an alternative course of action.

It is imperative that you make every effort to submit the requested information by the specified due date. Otherwise, we will not be able to process your current outstanding invoices.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the undersigned immediately: by phone at (xxx) 862-3992; by email at; or by fax at (xxx) 862-5304.

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.


Catherine Shorter

Head, Accounts Management

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