Monday, March 26, 2018

Welcome Letter

June 28, 20xx

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Baker
280 Heath Drive
Victoria, BC
V9A 2J5

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Baker:

Welcome to Village Green Estates!

I was just advised by Sandy, one of our front desk customer service agents that you and your family have recently moved into our neighborhood. Please accept this as my personal welcome to your entire family!

You've made an excellent choice on where to put down roots, if only for a while. I'm sure that you and your three children will love this closely knit little neighborhood we have here. Great people, good schools, lots of parkland, and a very active community association are what make this one of the most desirable communities to live in anywhere in the province.

In addition to welcoming you as a neighbor; as President of the local merchants association I would also like to welcome you on behalf of my fellow merchants. You'll find that Village Green Estates has an exceptional group of small merchants and service companies ready to serve you with competitive prices and a focus on customer service.

As President and Owner of Clean Rite Dry Cleaning Systems Inc., I would like to offer you a welcome wagon special for new members in our community, as follows. For three(3) months from the date of this letter your entire family is eligible for a 15% discount off of our regular prices for all dry cleaning work that is done by Clean Rite. In fact, I have taken the liberty of having the staff enter your family name and address into the computer so that the moment someone in your family drops something off for cleaning, the discount will be applied automatically.

We look forward to serving you and getting to know you.

At your service,

Reg Dawson


Letter of Interest (to participate in a proje)

November 18, 20xx

Mr. Raymond Fielding
Campus Renaissance Inc.
1850 Highridge Road
Columbus, Ohio 43201

Dear Raymond:

Mitchell-Maxwell and Timberline Properties are pleased to submit herewith our letter of interest to participate in your "campus neighborhood redevelopment project".

Since being invited to address this exciting opportunity, our team members have collaborated to produce a preliminary plan that we believe will energize the neighborhood, strengthen the University community, and produce long-term benefits for the entire City of Columbus.

As you know, we are a team of professionals with a proven track record in this region that has the ability to successfully transform our plan into reality. Our team is comprised of members who have worked together on numerous successful projects. They have been assembled for this project because of the enormous trust and confidence thay have in one another. You can be assured that the lead partners in our group will manage the project closely and carefully, and accountability for results will never be delegated.

In the weeks ahead, we look forward to receiving comments from Campus Renaissance and the community at large about our preliminary proposal during the public consultation process. We understand that right now the plan is clearly a 'work in progress' which can only be improved by input from the various stakeholders who care the most about the area in question. We therefore look forward to using their input to develop a comprehensive integrated final development plan.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate.


__________________        ___________________
Mary Louise Lasser               Roy Gooding

Timberline Properties             Mitchell-Maxwell

Letter of Business Reference

November 18, 20xx
2905 Peel St.
Suite 1508
Montreal, QC
H2C 2M3

To Whom It May Concern:

RE: Customer Reference - Fairmont Litho Arts Inc.

I have been asked to write this letter of reference because our company will no longer be operating its printing plant that has served Fairmont Litho Arts Inc. for more than a decade.

Fairmont Litho Arts has been one of our top customers for the past 12 years. Accordingly, I have no hesitation in recommending them as a company with which to do business.

In addition to doing business with his company for many years, I have known the president and founder of Litho Arts, Glenn Ralston, for over 25 years. We were classmates and teammates at McGill University in the late 1970s. Knowing him for so long I am quite comfortable in vouching for him as a great individual as well as a concerned and active citizen in this community.

As far as a company to do business with, Fairmont Litho Arts Inc. is one of the best that we have ever dealt with. Its practice has always been to pay our printing invoices within the 30-day time limit. We did significant amounts of business, especially during the past 5 years, and I cannot recall a late-payment situation involving that company. Billing disputes were rare, and those only required some minor additional documentation for clarification and resolution.

Fairmont was one of the best companies that I have ever dealt with from a change-order and work scheduling perspective. We maintained close communication with the company's production people and they always kept us apprised of their upcoming workload. Thus, scheduling jobs on our presses was never a problem. In addition, Fairmont's graphics people always provided us with high quality finished artwork, and it was unusual for additional changes to be made after the plates had been produced.

Based on our experience, any printing company should be very pleased to be the one that Fairmont Litho Arts selects to do business with once we have closed our doors.


Gordon Manning

President and CEO

Business Thank You Letter

March 15, 20xx

Mr. Alphonse Germanian
President and CEO
BioDynamics Llc.
1525 Broadway, Suite 4500
New York, NY 10034

Dear Mr. Germanian:

As Chairperson of the Corporate Conscience Campaign - Helping the Homeless in New York, I am writing this to thank you personally for your company's support in last month's fund-raising effort.

As I indicated when we spoke on the phone two weeks ago, the campaign was considered a resounding success, raising a total of $1.65 million to-date, significantly exceeding our target of $1 million. Some donations are still trickling in, so we could end up close to a total of $2 million.

BioDynamics was an influential leader throughout the entire three-month campaign. In fact, we couldn't have succeeded without the generous support of your company, both financially, and through your organizational and administrative assistance. Your Team Leader, Kathryn Gomez was particularly impressive, going above and beyond what we could have expected of someone performing as a volunteer while continuing on with her day-to-day duties. Please convey my special thanks to Kathryn.

I would also ask you to convey my sincere thanks and congratulations to all of those other people in your company who contributed in any way to the Helping the Homeless Campaign. Please tell them that the sum of their contributions resulted in a major success that they should all be proud of taking part in.

I believe that the 27 companies that participated in this effort have set a new standard for social responsibility in this community, and have set a powerful example that will inspire other companies and organizations to do the same.

I look forward to seeing you at the Mayor's special thank you reception next month.

Yours sincerely,

Jackson Pritchard

Fundraising Chair

Contract Letter Notification of Audit

May 25, 20xx

Mr. Dominic Rafael
President and CEO
Jenson Structures Inc.
505 Granville Street, 12th Floor
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6C 2R6

Dear Mr. Rafael:

Re: Notice of Intent To Conduct An Audit

Further to our recent phone conversation, this is to formally advise you that the Olympic Construction Committee has decided to request an audit of the accounting practices of Jenson Structures Inc. The audit will commence immediately and will be performed on behalf of the OCC by Taylor & Hanson Auditing Services Inc. of Vancouver.

As you know, this audit was prompted by some serious invoice/work order discrepancies that were noted during a number of our transaction-sampling mini-audits that were conducted over the past six months. When briefed on the results of these mini-audits, the OCC decided that an immediate audit of Jenson’s accounting practices and procedures with respect to invoicing was warranted.

The audit will be conducted in full accordance with the OCC’s contract administration and control policy which is an addendum to all of our construction contracts. Among other things, that policy states that “…all outstanding invoices submitted by the company being audited will be held in abeyance until such time as the results of the audit are known.” Also in accordance with the policy, “… depending on the results of the audit, it will be at the Committee’s sole discretion to determine when, and to what degree, any payments will be made to cover any outstanding invoices.”

We look forward to your complete cooperation with the auditors so that the audit can be conducted quickly and concluded as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the audit process please feel free to contact the Project Senior Auditor, Janice Gonzalez, at 604-459-4111.


Gordon Cranston

Chairman, OCC Accountability Committee