Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Disadvantages, The Payback Method

*Note : I am going to add my Corporate Strategy Assigment when i was at the university about Financial Investment Methods. Enjoy it :)


There are some disadvantages of payback method as below:

  • Payback method denies the cash flows timing during the period.
  • At the end of the payback period, method does not accept the cash flows. Therefore, the total project goes back.
  • Payback method denies the money’ time value.’ More complicated appraisal techniques require’.  As a sample, 1 pound’ worth will be more than 1 pound for a year. That is why organization or money owner has to use the money immediately or can invest the money by using current interest rate to get more return one year later.
  • This technique also does not differentiate between projects in a same payback time.
  • Investors make cut off at the payback period randomly.
  • One of the disadvantages of payback period is to cause too much investment projects in short term.
  • The risk of the cash flow timing is projected however; variability is not estimated at the projects in payback method.

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