Sunday, December 17, 2017

MiniTool Mac Data Recovery 3.0 - License Code

MiniTool Mac Data Recovery 3.0 - License Code

MiniTool Mac Data Recovery v3.0.2 Personal License can recover photos, music, videos, emails, documents, and other types of data from Mac computer or other storage devices. This Mac data recovery software is fast, safe and easy to use.

You can safely download MiniTool Mac Data Recovery 3.0 from the official site below. Then all you need, Just enter the license code.

I tested, it works smoothly. It's one of those programs that will save your life in your tough moments. Very successful. You can use it safely.


Download Link:


Paragon NTFS for Mac 15 Trial - Manual - Uninstall - Reset - Reinstall without virus or trojen


NTFS for Mac 15

If you are having trouble reinstalling the Paragon NTFS Trial version, you can solve this problem by simply following the steps I have mentioned below, completely safe, without viruses, without installing any programs, and doing it manually. 

Then you will get an another 10 days trial. Paragon NTFS for Mac version 15.0.911 test succeed.

First uninstall the Paragon NTFS for Mac 15 from applications then :

1) Go to Launchpad
2) Write Terminal and click on it
3) Copy and paste below one by one and just enter :

sudo rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/Paragon Software/"
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paragon-software.installer.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paragon-software.ntfs.loader.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.paragon-software.ntfsd.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.paragon-software.ntfs.notification-agent.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/Filesystems/ufsd_NTFS.fs/
sudo rm -rf /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.paragon-software.installer
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/ufsd_NTFS.kext/
sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/ParagonNTFS.prefPane

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

6 effective ways to make a career in 20's

6 effective ways to make a career in 20's

Your 20-year-old age, the transition point of your life, determine the direction of a career. The reason for that what kind of risks do you take in these ages, who you are friends with, and  your role models show the most realistic indicators of how you will become a person in your 30s.

Achieve success from your 20's by focusing on constantly improving yourself instead of thinking "will I be a manager someday?" Or "will I make my own business?"

Be a visionary person

People who do not know where they want to go are often make no progress!
First you need to set yourself a goal. Do not hesitate to imagine abundantly while doing this; Animate the way of life you desire with all the details in your mind and write your goals in a notebook. So you can be more conscious about seeing and catching opportunities that are not the same.

Cherylyn Harley LeBon, a lawyer and executive coach who tells you that you need to plan your life for years to be successful that if you decide where you want to be in your 30s and 40s, you can steer towards your career more easily.

For example, if you want to build your own business someday, you must make sure that you develop your entrepreneurial skills and build a solid network. LeBon says that visualizing in your mind that where you are doing business in the future and how you do business, will make your 20s age more productive and enjoyable.

"Begin" before you are ready

Do not try to be the best in your 20s! In a competitive environment, this effort will create pressure on you. Because of your perfectionist approach, you may have to postpone the new steps that you need to take to reach your goals. Instead of focusing on being perfect, do your work to increase your creativity.

What specialties and skills did you enjoy having?

Once you have created a list, start working on improving yourself. You must take some risks, especially with extra responsibility and have to create the skills to take part in the professions and tasks in the future. So start before you feel "ready". As an old proverb says: The dog will not learn to swim as long as it does not fall in the water!

Find yourself a role model

Do not want it all! Of course, having multiple interests is a great feature. Only making concrete choices will take you to where you want to be instead of being blown away with every wind.

According to career coach and author Penelope Trunk,  the simplest method to see who you want to be at the age of 35 that you have to set reachable  goals by idealizing.

Well, what does this 35-year-old character owe to its success? What sacrifices did he make in his personal life for his career? If you are not satisfied with the answers, continue to create new role models by creating another 35-year-old script.

Learn to save Money

After graduating from college/university, you will probably not be able to get a salary in your first or second job that you think you deserve it. It's very close to seeing a lot of zero figures in your bank account, but first you have to budget in a rational way.

Saving money allows you to invest to your future and give you the financial freedom and also prevents you from a job you do not want to work. Do not feel restricted when you save Money. Think allocated every dollar will be as a gift to yourself in the future by reaching the dreams.

Select friends well

Have you ever recognized that you started to look like each other with your close friends? According to a research at the California and Yale University, the genes of two friends show even more similarity than two strangers!

For this reason, it is much more important than you think to choose a friend who will help you with all difficulties and to find the best way. Amy Palmer, TV announcer and CEO of PowerwomenTV, said, "I was getting the most important lessons in my 20s by examining my friends.”

Do not forget that many of your 20-year-old friendships will continue to effect you in all of your life.

Be aware you’re more than you are

When meeting new people, one of the first questions asked is usually "What are you doing?" So, for others, your business is the success you have achieved in life, and your task is to put your value is equal to "how much you earned". Trying to make a lot of money in the shortest possible time is also an option, but do not ignore that you will burn yourself when you are on fire without regard to any career progression. You have much more than a payroll or long job description.

You can create your own space of happiness not only in your work but also in life if you are moving with sure steps.

For more information:

Monday, April 24, 2017

Preperation for Angel Investor Questions

Preperation for Angel Investor Questions

What makes your business different and unique?
Two wrong answers can be given to this question. A business for the investor can be both well-known and original.

§  If it is well-known business, worries about your life cycle can be begin in this case.
§  If it is an original business, the investor can worry about the lack of product claim this time.

Why would someone have to buy your product or service? What are your needs for your product or service?
Investors are looking for the business models which can be prove the demand of their product and services in the market. Is your product something your buyer needs?
Or was it just good to have the product? If the last-mentioned categorization is entered, it will be a big help to show how you will be interested in your product. According to the market movement, it is critical that people demand this product.

How do you understand that your business has a high growth potential?
Investors want to know how to estimate your earnings. They want to see fast scalable growth opportunities. Therefore, you should show them how much they will invest in the near future. Be prepared to explain in detail how you estimate your winnings from the market potential.

What makes your management team capable of doing business modeling?
You know that the most important thing in private capital is management. Investors are looking for three issues in management: experience in business building, experience in the industry (or experience in the business) and strong character. What does strong character include? Investors want managers to be able to explain and demonstrate their work with high energy or passion, be resourceful, honest, patient and riskier. It is also important that they are modest. Because sometimes the founders should let the people who have more experience to manage the company.

Who are your competiters?
You've heard the warning 'never say never. In answer to this question, it is better if you do not say 'I have no rival'. Obviously, investors want to know the size of competition that your business will face and how your company will show the difference. But they may want to measure how mature you are as a business man. The answer 'I have no rival' is not true. Because your business will always have at least 2 competitors. Potential consumers can continue to function without purchasing your product (using backup - less effective), or consumers can do nothing (prefer not to use the product or service). Moreover, if the investor is aware of the other competiters you do not know, they can lose faith in your ability to manage your business. Be prepared fort his situation.

What gives your company competitive advantage?
Investors are wondering how you will be superior to your competiters. This is not just the superiority of your current competiters. They want to know how you think about future entrepreneurs and how you will take them away from you. 'The advantage of the first move' is a rarely sufficient answer to this question. What makes your company unique and different?

Does the company have intellectual property rights such as patent, trademark and copyright?
Trademark and copyright are important to protect the company's intellectual fortunes and brand. In addition, investors will want to see that you have taken proper steps to protect the intellectual capital of your company.
How will you balance your company's income and cash flow?
Do you remember the first time you were financially independent of the family? Your income exceeds your expenditure but you do not need more support. The concept is the same here. If you are financially independent, investor will be less responsible than you. Of course, the main purpose is to reach the exit strategy quickly. Profitable businesses are more attractive to potential consumers and the public market.

How do you plan to win customers?
A well-developed business model includes market realities and marketing strategies that show that they understand consumer behaviors. Investors are more concerned with marketing entrepreneurship. You can expect such questions: What is the company's spending on getting customers? Have you calculated the targeted earnings per customer and the average earnings? Do you know how many customers are required for the profit ? Do you know the sales cycle of goods?

How do you plan to keep customers in your hands?
Most successful companies always seem to have plans to keep customers in their hands. They have plans to keep them in their hands without having more customers. Doing business with a new customer is five times more expensive than doing business with an existing customer.

What provides customer satisfaction in this sector and in this market? How do you know these things?
Have you done any research to determine what really matters to your customers? Do you know which properties of the product are important to the auxiliary products? When you have a new customer, you must ensure that customer satisfaction is maintained and understand their changing needs. Have you considered how you will support your product and the costs that will be incurred with this support? Will your existing customers re-purchase your product or service? Will they recommend it to others? The opinions of your current and active customers about your product or service are very necessary to answer these questions.

Who is the final user of your product or service?
Is this a customer-focused business or will you sell your product or service to other businesses? Do you know what  is the demand for your product or service on the target market? What do you know about the buying habits of the target market? Knowing the answers to these questions will be important when talking to investors.

What contracts or partnerships were included? (Ex: partnership and marketing, licensing, sales / distribution, software contracts, etc.)
It is important to remember that contracts can be financial liabilities. Investors want to know whether contracts cover your claims for intellectual property and whether your company has unfulfilled obligations for third parties. Has any one of the contracts ever given you a competitive advantage? Did you create an entry barrier? Did it help you to reach the customers?

What is the project period for the product or service? What are your current and future plans for research and development investments?
Every good thing has an end. The products are improving, competitors are offering substitute goods and customer demands are changing. Do you foresee that the product will keep its natural flow of profit? What are your plans for research and development investments? How will you get benefit from existing products?

What will you grow your team?
It is difficult to find the best employees when the recuitment conditions change. Investors are interested not only in the current workforce, but also how you fill the positions in the future. Have you used an administrative research team? How will you balance, attract and motivate people? How will you get the workers while keeping the labor cost under control?

What are your possible exit strategies?
There are two exit strategies for a successful investment: acquisition and public offering. Lately, these two field activities have decreased. Investors want to know how to earn income from their investments. As a result, exit strategy is important. As an entrepreneur, you need to consider who can buy your business in the future. Be realistic and creative in terms of timing and evaluation.

How to use income?

Investors want to know that how to use their money in a good way. Get ready to present the timeline. You need to analyze how the money is going to be spent and specify what you need to successfully complete it.

Company Summary
Customer Problem
Products & Services
Customer Segments
Target Market
Competitive Advantage
Sales & Marketing Strategy
Business Model
Management Team
Your revenue stage
Current Funding Round (USD)
Seeking ( Total Money )
Pre-Money Valuation
Payment of funding schedule
Management Team
Your presantation
Executive Summary

For more informations  :